Abortion Is Legal and Protected in New York

In New York State, abortion is:

  • Safe
  • Legal
  • Available to all

Learn more about abortion and your rights.

Crisis pregnancy centers are not licensed health care providers. These centers may offer low-cost resources, such as pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, or baby clothes, but they do not offer:

  • Abortions
  • Contraceptives
  • Other medical care

Some centers try to stop people from getting abortions or give misinformation about abortion. Since they are not licensed health care providers, the centers are not required by law to keep your personal information private.

By New York City law, pregnancy services centers must disclose that they do not:

  • Have a medical provider on-site
  • Provide abortion care

File a Complaint

You can report a pregnancy services center in New York City that does not:

  • Post the disclosure sign in English and Spanish
  • Advertise the disclosure, including in print, TV, radio, online, and social media
  • Discuss the disclosure with clients

What Happens Next

If you don't include your address or email with your Service Request, you won't receive follow up. The Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) will consider your complaint a tip.

If you include your address, DCWP will mail you a complaint form. You must complete and return it to DCWP. If you provide your email address, you'll get the form by email instead. Check your spam folder if you don't see it in your inbox.

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