Per Local Laws 92 and 94 of 2019, all new buildings and alterations of existing buildings where the entire existing roof deck or roof assembly is being replaced must provide a sustainable roofing zone covering 100% of the roof.

The sustainable roof must include a solar photovoltaic system generating at least 4kW, a green roof system, or a combination of the two. Buildings that are being enlarged vertically or horizontally must also comply with these requirements.

You can report active or ongoing construction that is not complying with these laws. The Department of Buildings (DOB) will inspect and issue violations, where appropriate.

Include in your report:

  • Details about the missing roof materials
  • The 9-digit construction permit number, if possible

You can find out more, including the examples of areas that are exempt from the sustainable roofing zone requirements:

See DOB’s Bulletin on Local Laws 92 and 94 of 2019 requirements.

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