Call 911
Call 911 to report commercial or residential property owners who lock out tenants, or who willfully deprive them of essential services such as electricity, heat, or water. Only a City Marshal or Sheriff is allowed to carry out a Warrant of Eviction.

Need something else?

Good Cause Eviction is a New York State law that went into effect on April 20, 2024. It gives some tenants of market-rate (also known as “unregulated”) homes in New York City new protections.

Property owners of homes covered by the new Good Cause Eviction requirements cannot end a tenancy without a “good cause” reason. These requirements include protections from:

  • Eviction
  • Refusal to renew a lease
  • No notice to end a tenancy (if tenant does not have a lease)

The law applies to eviction cases that started on or after April 20, 2024.

Learn more about Good Cause Eviction law.

Tenants can use this law:

  • As defense in Housing Court
  • To challenge rent increases above a certain level (if evicted for nonpayment of rent)

Under the Good Cause Eviction law, property owners are only allowed to end a tenancy for a “good cause” reason, including:

  • Non-payment of rent (unless unreasonable rent increase)
  • Tenant:
    • Has broken any of their lease terms
    • Committed or allowed a nuisance in the home
    • Is using the home or property for illegal activity
  • Tenant has refused the property owner access to the home to:
    • Make repairs
    • Show to a prospective buyer
  • Property owner or property owner’s family member plans to move into the home
    • (Not applicable if the home is occupied by a tenant who is 65+ years old or has a disability)
  • Property owner plans to demolish the home or take the home off the rental market
  • Tenant fails to agree to reasonable changes to the lease

Learn more about Good Cause Eviction law.

Good Cause Eviction is enforced through Housing Court. If you wish to challenge the proposed end to your tenancy, or you have questions about a rent increase, the City’s Public Engagement Unit (PEU) Tenant Helpline is available to connect you to programs, legal assistance, and community resources.

Get Help


Contact the Tenant Helpline.

By Phone

Call 311 or 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675) for help.



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